The phenomenon of music plagiarism and music plagiarism raises considerations of both artistic and legal nature. How does a musician experience plagiarism and how does he use his earlier works as a source of inspiration? When is the use of data from earlier projects permissible and when is it counterfeit under intellectual property law? What are the technical tools for verifying plagiarism and what do the musicological analyzes offer?
The "Law and Art" Group of the Athens Law School organized an event titled "Plagiarism and copying of musical works" on December 9, 2016, 15:00-17: 00, at the Library of the Law School of Athens.
The event sought to approach the phenomenon of plagiarism from a legal, musical and musicological point of view, with suggestions from experts in each field. At the same time, significant judgments were made on plagiarism of musical works and, in the end, the audience was invited to participate interactively in the diagnosis of existence - or not - plagiarism in concerted musical works.
Tassos Kolydas's lecture was on the practice of borrowing music material from a musicological point of view.
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